Evaluation of Nurses’ Approaches to Deteriorating Patients: Survey Study
Original Article
P: 320 - 324
August 2021

Evaluation of Nurses’ Approaches to Deteriorating Patients: Survey Study

Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim 2021;49(4):320-324
1. Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Mersin University School of Medicine, Mersin, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 25.06.2020
Accepted Date: 14.09.2020
Publish Date: 03.08.2021



Prevention of cardiopulmonary arrest in hospitalised patients is the first and most important step in the life-saving chain. When the condition of the inpatients is worsened, nurses are usually the first to see and evaluate the patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitudes of the nurses working at the Mersin University Hospital, during their routine follow-up to the deteriorating patients and the early warning scoring (EWS) awareness.


According to the findings, it is necessary to determine the habits of calling for help and raising awareness for a functional EWS.


43.8% (n ¼ 64) of the participants were in ICU, and 56.1% (n ¼ 82) were in service units. Participants were asked whether they used a special scoring system to recognise the deteriorating patient; 45.2% (n ¼ 66) used the scoring system; and 54.8% (n ¼ 80) reported that they did not use it. Participants working in ICU were more likely to use EWS system. Participants answered the most commonly used scoring system as the Glasgow Coma Scale (n ¼ 40). The participants reported that the most common respiratory distress (n ¼ 135), changes in consciousness (n ¼ 109), palpitations (n ¼ 98) and chest pain (n ¼ 92) occurred in the deteriorating patients. Participants reported that they frequently asked for help from a doctor (80.1%), other nurses (7.5%) and a blue code team (7.5%).


A web-based questionnaire was sent to all nurses working in inpatient services and intensive care units (ICUs) and registered to the hospital database at Mersin University Hospital via e-mail. In the questionnaire, a total of 10 multiple-choice questions were asked to the nurses questioning the unit they worked for, the EWS they used, the complaints they frequently complain about and the applications for the call for help. A total of 146 nurses were included in the study.

Deteriorating patient, early warning score, nursing assessment, patient safety, hospitalised patients, practice nursing, physiological responses, critical care outreach